Cookies Policy


This website uses its own and third party cookies. By browsing it, we understand that you agree to its use.

For the use of our website, the use of cookies is necessary. Cookies are small information files that allow you to browse the website and allow us to compare and understand how our users navigate using the Google Analytics tool, and in this way be able to consequently improve the browsing process. The cookies we use do not store any personal data, or any type of information that can identify you. If you do not want to receive cookies, please configure your Internet browser to delete them from your device, block them or notify you if they are installed. To continue without changes in cookie settings, simply continue on the website.

More information about cookies at

By visiting our website, you accept the installation, on your device, of the types of cookies listed below:

Strictly necessary cookies:

These cookies are necessary for the correct use of the website, allowing access to sections that have security filters. Without these cookies, many of the available services would not be operational.

Navigation Cookies:

These cookies collect information on the visits of the web, for example page views, loading errors,… It is generic and anonymous information, where personal data is not included, nor is information collected that identifies visitors; the ultimate objective is to improve the functioning of the web.

Functional Cookies:

These cookies allow you to remember information (such as your username, language or the region in which you are located, and more personal characteristics. For example, the possibility of offering personalized content based on the information and criteria that you have voluntarily provided. These cookies can also be used to remember changes made to the size of the text, fonts and other customizable parts of the website. They are also used to offer some requested services, such as watching a video or commenting on a blog. The information collected by these cookies may be anonymous and their activity on other web pages cannot be found.

Analytical Cookies:

Cookies do not obtain data on the names or surnames of users or the postal address from which they are connected. The information they obtain is related, for example, to the number of page views, the language, the social network in which our news is published, the city to which the IP address from which users access is assigned, the number of users who visit us, the frequency and recurrence of visits, the visit duration, the browser they use, the operator or type of terminal from which the visit is made.

We use this information to improve our page, detect new needs and assess the improvements to be introduced in order to provide a better service to the users who visit our website.